About Us

A place to believe.

Here at Provoke we believe that some of the best thinking being done isn’t taking place at international forums, or in corporate boardrooms, or even in creative agencies.

We think it’s happening in the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. The people who today are learning about how we got where we are, are at the same time trying to figure out how to get where we need to be.

Right now, at dining room tables or library desks, on floors or curled up in their favourite places, our next generation of thought leaders are learning how to think.

When they get these exciting ideas down on paper, pretty much the only people who get to see what they are, are a handful of teachers, parents and close friends.

Provoke Magazine wants to change that. Using the same rigour and care that is applied to leading journals around the world, we’ll bring you selected writing from the finest, and freshest, young minds, presented with the respect it deserves.

Why should you care? Because these people are going to shake up the world.  They’re going to start new businesses and change the old ones. They’re going to pay your retirement pensions. 

So go on, find out what they really think.

Want to contribute? We work with teachers to identify the right kind of material and edit it so it’s at its best. If you’d like to find out more, contact us admin@provokemagazine.org.

Alex van Paassen

"My passion is helping young people get their voices heard.”

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